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Towards Pro-Social Load Balancing in Energy Communities

Poster Abstract
Nuno Velosa, Lucas Pereira
Proceedings of ACM BuildSys 2021, Coimbra, Portugal
Publication year: 2021


Having emerged as a new paradigm to re-structure energy systems around citizens, energy communities have quickly gained the attention of researchers worldwide. Nevertheless, a significant challenge is the lack of datasets and tools to support research developments at scale. As such, this paper presents the PRO-social energy Community SIMulator, an open-source project to support the development and evaluation of pro-social energy management schemes in energy communities.

Ultrasonic Waste Monitoring in the Future Industrial Kitchen

Poster Abstract
Fábio Vasconcelos, Vitor Aguiar, Lucas Pereira
Proceedings of ACM SenSys 2019, New York, NY, USA
Publication year: 2019


This paper presents the initial results of ultrasonic waste monitoring during the operation of one industrial kitchen. Undifferentiated, paper and plastic waste bins were monitored, and a heuristic-based waste disposal event detector was developed and evaluated. The results show that it is possible to identify disposal events in the three waste bins. Furthermore, it is also possible to determine when paper and plastic are compressed to make additional room.


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On the Challenges of Charging Electric Vehicles in Domestic Environments

Poster Abstract
Luisa Barros, Lucas Pereira, Parakram Pyakurel
Proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2018, Pages 225-226. Karlsruhe, Germany
Publication year: 2018


This poster abstract presents a case study of charging Electric Vehicles (EVs) at home, taking into consideration the household power consumption and the vehicle driving routines of the residents. It reveals some challenges of charging EVs in the household and highlights the importance of proper charging scheduling in order to avoid potential tripping of the household circuit breaker.


EMD-DF: A Data Model and File Format for Energy Monitoring and Disaggregation Datasets

Poster Abstract
Lucas Pereira
Proceedings of ACM BuildSys 2017, Delft, The Netherlands
Publication year: 2017

SustDataED: A Public Dataset for Electric Energy Disaggregation Research

Poster Abstract
Miguel Ribeiro, Lucas Pereira, Filipe Quintal, Nuno J. Nunes
Proceedings of ICT for Sustainability 2016. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Publication year: 2016

SURF and SURF-PI: A File Format and API for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Public Datasets

Poster Abstract
Lucas Pereira, Nuno J. Nunes, Mario Bérges
Proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2014, Pages 225-226. Cambridge, UK
Publication year: 2014

A long-term study of energy eco-feedback using non-intrusive load monitoring

Poster Abstract
Filipe Quintal, Lucas Pereira, Nuno J. Nunes
Adjunct Proceedings of Persuasive Technology 2012. Linköping, Sweden
Publication year: 2012